Our Services

Everywhere Dog

Does your dog go crazy at the sight of another dog on the walk? Bark at the mailman or heck, anyone that comes to the door? I know there can be quite a bit of embarrassment when you take your dog out and they lose their mind at the sight of other dogs or people. I have been in your shoes and know that it takes the fun out of spending time with your dog. Did you picture dog ownership being different? You probably thought you’d get little Fluffy who you would take everywhere; go for walks, go to the beach, breweries, hiking. Sometimes, that just doesn’t happen, but that’s where we come in.

With this program we want you to gain the confidence to take your dog out into the real world. Instead of embarrassment we want you to feel peace and confidence. We focus on teaching your dog how to go from a chaotic to calm mindset. We take them out into the real world and get them comfortable around people, dogs and the environment. Have anywhere specific that you want to take your dog? We will help you achieve that!

  • 3 weeks long

  • training for YOU and your dog!

  • tools to for you to keep ($200 value)

  • public access training

  • sit, down, place, come, kennel

  • two in depth go home sessions, the last one being at your house!

  • Lifetime support when the dog goes home!

  • In depth owner’s manual

Boarding privileges are also included if you needed a place for your dog to stay while on vacation!

Board and Train

Private 1:1 Lessons

Does your dog run around the house counter surfing, chewing up your shoes or bolting out the front door? With this basic board and train, we focus on the owner gaining control of their dog within their home. We don’t want you to feel embarrassed anymore when your friends come over and your dog is jumping all over them. Most dog owners want a dog to be calm within the house and be respectful.

Let us help you break down the bad habits your dog has inside of your home!

4 private lessons

  • training for YOU and your dog!

  • tools to for you to keep ($200 value)

  • leash training

  • sit, down, place